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Our History

In the spring of 1957, Sheldon (Shell) Faber and Edwin Lech purchased, banded, and released two pheasant roosters in the Silver Lake area. This act became the basis for forming a sportsmen’s club in the area.


In June of 1957, the following men joined together as the charter members of the Silver Lake Sportsmen’s Club: Henry Andre, Francis O’Neil, Howard Koubener, Eldon Schenning, Joeseph Czebotar, Frank Cason, Robert Rodolph, Sheldon Faber, William Kruzan, and Edwin Lech.


The club was incorporated in July of 1958.  Shortly thereafter, the group purchased 40 acres from Phil VanHalter in the Salem Township. This property became the home of the club, and in short order a clubhouse and trap shooting range were constructed. Later on, an archery range was added as well as various improvements to the property for conservation purposes.


Because of the rapid growth, the club limited membership to 80, and formed a Junior’s club to train boys in gun safety, fishing, hunting, and trap shooting. Upon becoming adults, the members of the Junior’s Club automatically became members of the club.


Many of the club’s conservation efforts focus on improving the local habitat.  They provide access to the marsh areas so the Carthage College Horticultural Dept. can conduct research on plant and animal life there. Each spring our Junior members build and erect wood duck houses/nests throughout the area. They also assist the D.N.R. in activities when opportunities arise. One of our members has headed up a large spring Clean-Up in the area. They remove trash from the sides of roads and highways as well as the Fox River. In 2002, the club donated monies to the Camp and Center Lake Rehabilitation District for improving the Walleye stocking program underway in both lakes. We have one member that is part of the Wisconsin Conversation Congress. Dave Lois has represented our area for many years. Ed Koenig also represents the club as part of the Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association. Another group that the club works with include the COPS Kids Camp. They use the club grounds annually in conjunction with the Salvation Army Camp to give children and spouses of fallen police officers a place to come and enjoy a week of relaxation, fun & enjoyment.


Club activities focus around the sportsmen that make up the group.  There are trap and archery leagues through the summer and fall that have spirited competition as well as a summer ending Pig Roast picnic in August. Food is free and beverages are available. This event is supported by many of the local business in the form of prizes and other donations. The funds raised by the picnic contribute to all the activities that the club sponsors throughout the year.  Brian & Jacob Wagemann are the Juniors group leaders, and take them on various trips throughout the year. In addition, the club tries to sponsor 2 Hunters Safety Courses throughout the year (Spring & Fall) for the local youth.  Classes are conducted by certified Hunters Safety instructors at the Club Grounds.


The main fund raisers for the club are the many gun raffles. The American Legion (Village Pub) owners, Mike & Nancy Dulek support the club by hosting the Winter meetings while the clubhouse is closed.

The officers are as follows:

President: Brian Wagemann

Vice President: Dave Lois

Secretary: Don Owen

Treasurer: Eric Themanson

Board Members are:

Marty Daniels, Scott Pfarr, Tom Carlson, Steve Vorderbruggen & Jack Hoffman

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President: Brian Wagemann

Vice President: Dave Lois

Secretary: Don Owen

Treasurer: Eric Themanson


Tom Carlson

Steve Voderbruggen

Scott Pfarr

Marty Daniels

Jack Hoffman

© 2019 by Silver Lake Sportsmen's Club - all rights reserved.

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