Wisconsin DNR Fisheries Survey of Silver Lake (Spring 2011)
The Wisconsin DNR along with members of the Silver Lake Sportsmen's Club conducted a fisheries survey on Silver Lake in the spring of 2011. We sampled/observed a total of 16 different species of fish including: Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Walleye, Black Crappie, Rock Bass, Pumpkinseed, Bluegill, Warmouth, Yellow Perch, Black Bullhead, Grass Pickerel, Lake Chubsucker, Brook Silverside (observed), and Common Carp (observed).
Eight fyke nets were set in Silver Lake at different locations between March 22 and April 27 and electrofishing surveys were conducted during those months to assess spawning populations of Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Walleye and Largemouth Bass.
The results below were noted:
Collection of 234 Northern Pike that ranged between 10.1 and 31.8 inches in length. The population estimate was at 517 individuals or 1.1 adults per acre.
Collection of 130 Walleyes that were between 8.0 and 23.5 inches long. The population estimate was at 299 individuals or .64 adults per acre. This is a bit low for stocked populations. They would like to see this up around 1 or 2 per acre. They will continue to stock Walleyes in odd numbered years. Silver Lake is now a priority 3 water for stocking purposes and this will help insure that the lake gets stocked on a regular basis.
Collection of 12 Muskellunge that were between 32.1 and 45.1 inches long.
Collection of 282 Largemouth Bass between 7.0 and 20.0 inches. The population estimate was at 2,256 individuals or 4.8 adults per acre.
We collected 6 Smallmouth Bass between 5.5 and 21.0 inches.
16,240 Walleyes were stocked into Silver Lake in June 2011.
928 Muskellunge are due to be stocked in late summer, 2011.